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About KPOMKWEM MEDIA – Nigeria and World News is Nigeria’s best breaking news website, number 1 in politics, history, sports, music, and entertainment publisher by audience. with the intention of sourcing out undiluted news exactly as it is. Just as the slogan is: “NEWS Exactly As It Is”.

We are meeting the news needs of millions of unique readers on daily basis via our website.

And also publish various news and editorial contents, including news about Nigeria, Africa and the world. Sports, Entertainment, business, politics, current affairs, history, profile/biography, human interest stories and many more.

Our team of experienced journalists brings our readers the day’s most important stories. We cover breaking news and provide in-depth coverage of events and stories across Nigeria and the world at large exactly as it is and at the right time.. was founded in September 1st, 2023 by KPOMKWEM MEDIA ENTERPRISES.

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